Wednesday, February 3, 2016


My Superteam - Walter Kulyk - Creative direction, Art direction, and Production coordination (Traffic Advertising, Inc.), and Al Klymochko - Graphic Design, Photo enhancements, and Production files (Stare Design Inc.). Editor - Debra Esau Maione, WordsWorth Services. 

Without their talent, the book would not have been the treasure that it is. Дякую! Danke! Thanks!

The book is selling well, even at the end of January.  Has been on the McNally Robinson Bestsellers list since the first week of December, at #1, 2, 3, and back to #1!

If any organizations or groups want to fund raise, the book is available by the box (18 books) -- you get a generous % of the selling price.  Please contact me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The book is sellimg well!

what's interesting is that the media are calling me, not the other way around....